Woodville Psychology Services

Psychological therapy and other services available online across the UK.

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year?
At this time of year it seems that we often get the message that we should be enjoying spending time with our families and loved ones. We see lots of messages and images in the media and on social media of people enjoying the ‘perfect’ Christmas. We get told it is ‘the most wonderful time […]
Fluffy self-care and Fierce self-care
I was talking to some Trainee Clinical Psychologists earlier today about self-care. I shared with them that I think about self-care in terms of ‘fluffy self-care’ and ‘fierce self-care’. They seemed to find this helpful so I thought I would write about it as it may be helpful for other people too. There is a […]
Guest Blog by Jade Fullick – Trainee Clinical Psychologist: Invitation to take part in research
Jade Fullick is a trainee clinical psychologist with a research focus on trauma recovery and mental health in young adults. She is currently pursuing a doctoral degree at Cardiff University. You can connect with her on LinkedIn here, or email: fullickj@cardiff.ac.uk.  Invitation To Take Part in Research: Exploring Positive Change After Trauma Hi, I’m Jade […]
An Introduction…
One of my goals for this year is to start blogging more to help new and existing clients get a better sense of who I am and how I work to hopefully reduce some of the understandable worry and uncertainty that you might experience when you are thinking about starting therapy. I’m aiming to blog […]

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