Woodville Psychology Services

Psychological therapy and other services available online across the UK.

Welcome to Woodville Psychology Services

Psychological therapy for individuals in a safe, comfortable and private setting

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What services do you offer?

I currently offer individual face-to-face, online, and telephone therapy sessions for a range of mental health difficulties with a trained and qualified Clinical Psychologist. I specialise in working with adults (age 18+) who struggle with worry, fear, or anxiety. I also have experience in supporting people with other common mental health difficulties such as those labelled stress, low mood, or depression. I have a particular interest and expertise in supporting university students during this challenging stage of life.

I can develop and deliver bespoke training packages. Please contact us to discuss your requirements and budget.

2. What is a Clinical Psychologist?

A Clinical Psychologist is someone with many years of education, training and experience in supporting people with mental health difficulties such as stress, depression or anxiety. I provide therapy to support you to improve your emotional wellbeing and can provide counselling to support you during and after difficult life events such as bereavement.

Only someone who has completed an approved doctoral training course in Clinical Psychology is eligible to use the protected title ‘Clinical Psychologist’. I am registered with the Health and Care Professions Council as a Clinical Psychologist within the profession of Practitioner Psychologist. 

3. What are your qualifications?

I have successfully completed a BSc (Hons) in Psychology, and MSc in Health Psychology and a Professional Doctorate in Clinical Psychology.

4. Who are you regulated by?

I am regulated by the Health and Care Professions Council. This means I have demonstrated I meet their standards for training and professional skills, behaviour and health. I must continue to meet these standards to remain registered and continue practicing as a Clinical Psychologist. 

I am a Chartered member of the British Psychological Society. This is a legally recognised title that reflects the highest standard of psychological knowledge and expertise. 

I practice in line with the HCPC and BPS codes of Ethics and Conduct. This means you can be confident that you will receive safe and ethical treatment from me. 

5. What experience do you have?

I have worked in the NHS for over 10 years and continue to work within Clinical Psychology in the NHS in South Wales. I have experience working with people with common mental health difficulties, including those labelled stress, depression or anxiety. I specialise in supporting adults who struggle with worry, fear or anxiety. I have an interest and expertise in supporting university students as this can be a challenging stage of life.

I continue to maintain an up to date knowledge of psychological therapy approaches and techniques through continuing professional training and supervision. I build my knowledge of new therapy skills and approaches through further training, supervision and research. 

I work as a Senior Tutor on the South Wales Doctoral Training Programme in Clinical Psychology. This helps ensure I stay up to date with the latest developments in psychological therapy.

6. What should I expect from you?

I aim to provide a warm, empathic and compassionate approach and a safe therapeutic environment where you can feel comfortable to be yourself and share your worries. I aim to provide a supportive and non-judgmental approach to help you improve your emotional health.

I work in partnership with you to develop a better understanding of yourself. This can include thinking about why you respond the way you do in different situations. With this knowledge we can look for ways to improve your wellbeing and develop a greater sense of satisfaction with your life.

I work outside of your sessions to prepare for and reflect on the sessions and think about how I can offer you the most appropriate support. People often find that therapy is more effective if they do some work on the things they are struggling with in between their sessions. I can provide written materials and give you details of other sources of support that you can access between and after our sessions if you let me know you would find this helpful. 

7. What should I expect in the initial telephone call?

The free 15 minute initial telephone call gives us both the opportunity to find out what support you are looking for in relation to your mental health and if I am the best person to support you. This telephone call gives us the chance to start to get to know each other and think about whether we would like to start working together.  

If we feel I can offer the support you need we will discuss how you would like to have your therapy appointments and agree when this will take place. I will take contact details from you so that I can send you information about your appointment or get in touch in case of unforeseen events. We will discuss what you would like us to do if we are unable to re-establish a connection following technical difficulties during a telephone or online appointment. 

If I feel I cannot offer you the support you need, I will provide you with information about other places that I feel may be better able to offer this support.

8. What should I expect in my first appointment?

In your first appointment you can discuss the difficulties you are seeking support for in more detail with me and agree how we can work on these together. We can discuss what changes you would like to make and the goals you would like to achieve during your therapy sessions. We will discuss how often we will have sessions and the likely number of sessions we will have.  

Each appointment is usually an hour long. 

9. Where are you based?

I have clinic rooms at The Practice Rooms in central Cardiff, opposite the Pen and Wig pub. I will send the address when we agree the details for appointments.

There is on street parking outside the rooms. The nearest stations are Cathays (approximately a 6 minute walk) or Cardiff Queen Street (approximately a 10 minute walk). The nearest bus stop is on Park Place.

10. How do online or telephone appointments work?

Online and telephone appointments offer more flexibility around when and where therapy appointments can take place. You can attend your appointment from anywhere you have a good telephone or internet signal. This allows you to have your appointments from the comfort of your home, or another place you feel comfortable.  I ask that you try to ensure that you are in a private place where you can’t be overheard. This is to protect your privacy and help you to feel safe when discussing your difficulties. I understand how difficult it can be to discuss mental health difficulties so you may not want our conversation to be overheard. I use a private office to ensure your privacy and confidentiality.  

Online appointments take place using Microsoft Teams or Google Meet. I will send instructions on how to join before your first appointment if needed. I have a step-by-step guide on how to join the meeting which I can send to you if you are not familiar with Microsoft Teams or Google Meet.  I can also send further details around how to improve confidentiality when I send the joining instructions if this would be helpful. 

I will send more information about what we will do if there are technical difficulties during the appointment. For both online and telephone appointments if we lose connection and are unable to re-establish communication I will follow the agreement we reached in the initial telephone call to ensure your safety. 

11. What happens to my information?

The information you share with me during your appointments is kept confidential. I am registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office. This ensures that your information is protected under the Data Protection Act. I am compliant with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) guidelines. Please see my Privacy Policy for full details.

There are some specific circumstances where I will have to break confidentiality. These are when I feel there is a risk of harm to you, a risk of harm to others, criminal activity, or if mandated by a court. These conditions apply to all psychologists. In these circumstances, information may need to be shared with a third party to ensure the safety of those affected and to offer them additional support. I will always try to inform you if these circumstances apply, but this is not always possible (for example, in an emergency situation).

In line with good practice guidelines, I attend regular supervision with an external psychologist. In my supervision I discuss my therapy work in order to ensure I am providing you with the best support possible. The supervisory relationship is a professional relationship bound by the same principles of confidentiality as those described here. To protect your confidentiality I only use initials in my supervision.

12. How much does it cost?

I charge £100 per hour. This rate reflects the level of training, experience and specialist knowledge that I provide. This rate includes the time taken to prepare for appointments, compose letters, prepare individual risk management plans, respond to emails and liaise with other professionals as appropriate.

I offer reduced price sessions for people training to be mental health professionals. Please contact me to discuss your requirements.

We will discuss payment options during the initial telephone call.

I am a registered provider with a number of health insurance companies. This may cover some or all of the cost of therapy. If this is how you wish to pay for your therapy, please let me know during the initial telephone call so that I can make the appropriate arrangements.

13. I don’t think I can keep myself safe and need support now! What do I do?

Unfortunately I am unable to offer urgent support.

If you feel you need support now please contact your GP or, if you feel your life is at risk, call the emergency services (999) or go to your local A&E department for extra support.

You can also contact the Samaritans on: 116 123 (free from any phone), or you can email them on jo@samaritans.org (24 hour response time).

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